Anders Utrecht


Research – Masterthesis Diversity Practices Dwarsverband

Winnie Ruizendaal is a student at the Utrecht School of Governance (USBO). As part of her master’s in organisations, change and management, she conducted research for her thesis at Anders Utrecht member Dwarsverband. The research was built around Dwarsverband’s project ‘bringing culture to people’, which aims to achieve more diversity in self-management initiatives. It explores how meaning is given to diversity in the voluntary sector and thus contributes to the scientific debate about diversity research. In addition, the research also has practical implications for the self-management initiatives involved in Dwarsverband. Read the thesis (in Dutch) here: ‘Welkom voor iedereen!? Een verkennend onderzoek naar de betekenisgeving van diversiteit bij zelfbeheerinitiatieven en de invloed van dominante discoursen op deze betekenisgeving’