What is AndersUtrecht?
AndersUtrecht is a project that seeks to build a network of initiatives based in Utrecht that work towards ecological sustainability and social change. Ranging from formal associations and social entreprises to citizens’ movements and neighbourhood initiatives; each plays its unique part in realising a sustainable and socially just society.
As a university and individual researchers we strive for social impact. We see an opportunity to do so by building bridges between theoretical and practical knowledge with these initiatives. We do this by offering connection with each other and theory; by promoting the initiatives within academia and the city; and by offering support with our expertise, resources and research. In this way, we broaden our collective capacity and stimulate the co-production of knowledge about social transitions.
Our aim is to create connections between community-based initiatives, grassroots organisations and academics to identify opportunities for collaboration and stimulate the co-production of knowledge on societal transitions.
As of now 16 local organizations have joined our network. Together, we join forces to strengthen efforts that address a multitude of urban challenges and pursue shared visions of a just, ecological and sustainable society. Our activities include leading research, producing podcasts and organising workshops.